:: To order, please contact us at 415-xxx-xxxx or send an email to doebakery@mac.com.
:: Most orders require 3 days notice, but sometimes we can squeeze in a last minute order.
:: Cake sizes include 6", 9" or 12" round and 10" square. Pricing for cakes is based on number of layers, filling, frosting and decorations.
:: Minimum cupcake order is one dozen; only one flavor/frosting per dozen, however, decorations can vary within the same dozen. Minimums on other items vary.
:: Our delivery area is from San Francisco to San Jose. There is no charge for deliveries to Belmont or San Carlos; delivery fee for other cities is based on distance ($5-20)
:: Usually deliveries are made after 10:00am. You can also arrange to pick up your order.
:: Cash and local checks only, please.
:: NOTE: We are happy to work with any theme, but due to licensing issues, we cannot do "character" cakes. Thanks for understanding.